Information about Shift 110 Fitness

S Westmonte Dr 195
32714, Altamonte Springs
+1 407-278-7087

Opening hours

  • Monday: 5:00 – 10:00 AM, 5:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 5:00 – 10:00 AM, 5:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 5:00 – 10:00 AM, 5:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday: 5:00 – 10:00 AM, 5:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Friday: 5:00 – 10:00 AM, 5:00 – 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 – 10:00 AM
  • Sunday: 8:00 – 10:00 AM


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Shift 110 Fitness: Opinions

5/5 (34 Opinions)
Laura Northrup 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Stepped foot into the door of Shift110 and haven’t been the same since. The coaching goes far beyond the physical training to personalize support that creates a total shift of mind and body. The support end guidance and nutrition, habits and lifting continue to result in sustainable fat loss and composition changes. Shift110… A community, coaches and so much more…so thankful I walked in the door and never looked back!

Patricia Cintron 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Shift 110 has changed my life. When I started this gym, I thought I was coming to lose weight but what I discovered was that I had many more things to work on first. Things like habits, consistency, mindset, which have now actually transferred and have helped me in my personal and business life. Then I learned that if you set the right foundation you can build incredible strength. I could barely walk without massive foot pain (plantar fasciitis) when I first got here and now not only do I walk free of pain I can squat with 70 lbs of weight and hip thrust 175 lbs. So what I discovered is that I can do some pretty amazing things that I never even knew existed! My coach Michelle has been so patient and understanding, yet honest and direct and puts me in check when I try to make excuses. Coach Melo has always believed I could lift heavier than I thought I could and he has always been right. And Adam creates the best work out programs that push my limits and help reverse the aging process in my life. So finally after a year, now that I am showing up consistently, have a better relationship with food and the scale, and have learned to trust the process, I am losing weight. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Dawn Adams 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Shift 110 the gym is like no other gym out there. They individualize your training to your needs, it’s not a one size fits all mentality. You get one on one coaching, nutritional coaching and great accountability partners. I have always been “scared” of the gym and trainers especially. I’m not one that responds to the in your face approach and Shift is the total opposite. They give you the tools to shift your mindset. Best decision I’ve ever made. Try it out, promise you regret it.

Sarah Hughes 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Shift 110 is amazing. You get personal attention from a trainer, but in a group setting which builds community. They focus on healthy habits and full body changes. With guidance, you learn how to create everyday healthy habits with your eating, drinking, sleeping, and exercise. I have seen great results and look forward to continue shifting my mindset.

Theresa Campbell 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Been training here for the past 5 years. They do a great job of evolving alongside you in your health and fitness journey. The mix of group plus 1:1 support is ideal for anyone serious about their health and fitness goals. I also love that you can grab healthy meals from their fridge after each workout! This makes staying on track easier. While you're matched with a coach, all of the trainers care about you and your goals. They meet you where you are and do whatever the can to help. Love them all!

Manny Garcia 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: I have joined just a few days before the holidays in December of 2021. Out of pure motivation to get healthier after receiving my lab results from my doctor. I am glad that I didnt give up on my weight loss goals even during the pandemic. With almost everyone working remotely, it is far easier eating more at home due to stress. The good news is, there are exemplary trainers who will want you to succeed. Ways to keep up with your nutrition and ensuring your strength shifts gradually overall. Another great perk, healthy delicious meals are available to be purchased right on site. Would recommend checking them out if you want to improve your fitness habits.

Stephanie Barney 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality Love Shift! Joined a month ago and really like the personal one on one training. All of the trainers take their time to teach you the correct techniques and tailor the workouts just for you. Excited to continue my journey here! :)

Jen Menzel 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: Love SHIFT!! Great environment .. Group setting with 1on1 training, it doesn't get any better than that. I'm so happy to be apart of the community they are creating inside SHIFT and out of the gym as well. Adam, Michelle and Melo make you feel so welcomed!!! Adam's playlist will get anyone motivated to workout!

Ellen Sikes 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: Amazing, personal attention to your fitness needs! I’ve been a member for 2 yrs & couldn’t be happier. Have never stuck w/ any program this long and can’t imagine going anywhere else now. Their approach to workout + nutritional assist is so smart and effective (I’ve lost weight, decreased body fat while gaining muscle steadily), and yet so simple. Even helped me work through past injuries. Can’t say enough about this team and the community they’ve created!

Courtney Bauer 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: I’m about 6 month PP. After giving myself new mom bod grace for awhile, I was ready to get back into the gym and have at least an hour or so of me time. I was looking for a gym that was not full of meat heads sweating all over the equipment or Karen’s breathing down your neck because you sneezed. Valuing a clean gym, at Shift you have your own pod during your session with all the equipment you’ll need while having enough space from the neighboring person. All the proper sanitizers and disinfectants galore are conveniently located within arms reach all throughout the space. What really made this gym stand out beyond the cleanliness, was the tailored program. You have 1on1 sessions with your trainer to make sure you are on track with program designed for you and your wants/needs. The trainer does not check out after your session for that day. You’ll get texts or emails checking in to keep you accountable on your journey. At Shift, you’re not just another membership. You’re family and friends.

Lisa Lange 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: I'm about 30 days in to my "Shift" and I am loving it! I come from a long background of working out in gyms, classes, with personal trainers, boot camps, pole fitness, yoga, cross fit and the list could go on. Not to say anything is wrong with those places or formats, but I definitely am more at "home" with Shift. Talk about a supportive, knowledgeable, personal, caring, no pressure, inspiring, fun, effective environment. This is no one size fits all, because no two bodies work the same, this is catered to you, your lifestyle developed by coaches that get real life and help you make small adjustments to be healthier. I really cannot say enough about this program and this gym. They truly care and help you be accountable for your self. I am a data person, but I hate tracking things, mainly because I have never been able to see the trends or been taught what those numbers mean. I can also see how different things that I though were no big deal are really affecting me. The best part is, there is no pressure from the coaches, only motivation and positivity, life happens, get back to it and support to help change those habits. I would have to compare Shift 110 to one of my most favorite all time movies Dodgeball, this is the real live average Joe's, only they make "Shift" Happen!

Michelle Good 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: I have always been in the “exercise world” training when I feel like it, challenging myself when I feel like it, floating through my year and basing success off closed Apple health rings. I’ve never experience anything like SHIFT in my whole adult life. To have a coach keeping me accountable, giving me realistic advice based on MY lifestyle and composition goals. The value is unparalleled. It doesn’t feel like a “gym”, it feels like a relationship that continues to teach me in what a sustainable healthy relationship with food fitness and myself looks like

Wendy Manganiello 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: If you're looking for a gym that is MORE than just a gym, then Shift 110 is the place to be! They've built an amazing community of people who actually care. You'll have one on one attention, feedback, guidance, and accountability! Adam, Michelle, and Melo are the best trainers to have in your corner and I'm so thankful for them!

Blake Gunnels 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality I have been involved with Shift for almost two years. I am stronger than ever and have found a family of trainers and members who really care about my well being and progress toward my health goals. If you’re ready to get serious about your own health, nutrition, and fitness, please check them out.

Brandy Oroszi 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: There isn't another place like this! The trainers are amazing, encouraging and helpful. They want to help you reach your goals what ever they might be. They help you see the long game sustainable exercise and a thruthfull outlook on food. And did I mention the meals to go with Food Shift. If you are board with your gym or looking for one to get started, you will LOVE this place. I've been going for 2 years.

Rebekah Higgs 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Shift 110 changed the workout game! Each trainer takes the time to get to know their clients personally (strengths, weaknesses, goals, etc). Once they establish that foundation they push you to completely shift your mindset on nutrition and fitness. I have always struggled with consistency, but they make working out fun, hold me accountable to my goals and have pushed me to be a better version of myself.

Kelly Morais 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Best thing I did for mysef this year was join Shift 110! This group of professionals and amazing people will help you achieve your goal for your body. I joined in April during quarantine and since then I lost 25lbs, gained strength, learned so much about health and fitness and nutrition, I've built so much awareness of what my habits should be on my daily routine to achieve these results and more important what to do to maintain my results. The workouts are great and fun under the blue lights! I feel safe during my workout because I learned proper form and have their assistance the whole time. I've always felt welcome, never intimidated and built some confidence too. I could not recommend Shift 110 enough. Whatever change you want to achieve for your body or your health Make this Shift in your life and join us!!

Stephanie Doyle 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: I have been at this Fitness Studio for 3 years. Best trainers in the world and I am lifting more weight than I ever have. If you want a great workout from the best, this is your fitness studio.

deana hermey 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: LOVE this gym!!!! Personalize one on one training in a group setting. Best of both worlds. I have injuries that limit me on some workouts and they are so knowledgeable and accommodating to my needs. They (safely) push me to limits I didn’t think I could do. I feel stronger and more fit. Highly recommend!!!!!

Meli Lime 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: I wanted to start working out but I didn’t want just a standard gym membership. I was worried I would injure myself if I worked out on my own. I don’t know what the correct form is, and most people in a gym seem to know what they’re doing. So that’s a bit intimidating. Yeah, I could watch a youtube video, but who’s going to help me correct my form, and who do I ask if I have questions? I also wanted something that would keep me accountable. So I decided to give Shift 110 a try. I found them on groupon. I got a text the next day from them to schedule a 1on1. I was really nervous when I walked in, but the nice chat I had with Michelle really helped calm me down. We talked about my history and my goals and diet, she got my measurements, and we did some movements to see my mobility. Then we set up a schedule for me to come in to the studio for my workouts. I love that you have your own space with your own mat, bench, weights, everything. Yes, it’s a group workout, but it’s very much individualized. You do the movements that you worked on with your trainer during your 1on1. I think this is awesome because even with an injury, the trainers will find a way to work with you and give you modified versions. So someone else might be using the big bar that has actual weights on the ends for their hip thrusts, and I’m only using the 15 lb bar for now. We’re still doing the same movements, working out the muscle group that we’re supposed to, but at your own pace. And if I have questions, the trainers are right there, ready to help! They even correct your form if they see you slippin. I think it’s awesome and totally what I was looking for, and absolutely worth every penny. There are so many resources that they provide, like their podcast, and youtube, and even fun field days and other events. There are even ready to go meals made by Michelle for sale. How cool!! It really shows how much they really love and care about each of their clients. Adam, Melo, and Michelle are so very attentive, caring, and knowledgeable. I couldn’t have found a better team.

Meghan Kelly 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: You need to check out Shift 110! When you join you are matched with a personal trainer who coaches you through your fitness and nutrition goals, customizing a plan that works best for you. It’s a personalized experience that allows for you to also build a community. The members are great, the trainers are awesome and really care about educating you on the right way to lift, how to grow in your journey and sustain weight-loss. Highly recommend!!

Rebecca Devine 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Positive: Professionalism Since the first time I met Michelle, Adam & Melo, I knew they were individually unique and authentic to fitness. Their passion to help their clients find meaningful wellness has driven a new outlook of my personal program. One that I find to be a sustainable journey; not just a fad or flash in the pan.

Stephanie 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality Amazing trainers who listen to you and guide you. They take the time to get to know you and your goals. Highly recommended if you want to make any SHIFT...whether it be with training or nutrition. Clean, professional, and fun!!

Catharine Gunter 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: It has been an amazing process since the moment I walked in for my 1 on 1 with Adam! He explained to me what Shift 110 was all about and how it was more than just a gym. •Monthly 1 on 1 meeting with a trainer •Personalized exercises based on your ability •Small workout sessions •Focused trainers to help correct form •Accountability to keep shifting your life •Healthy grab and go meal options I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world. When it comes to working out to have someone that actually cares enough to come by to check up on you, to see if you need tips, or just help motivate you on that last step is great. If you are looking to make shift Adam, Michelle, and Melo can help you do it at Shift 110.

Robyn Hoover 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Couldn't recommend the trainers and programming at Shift 110 any more! I've had the privilege of working these these talent people since the very beginning. Of this time, they've been consistent and realistic trainers and have helped me keep off about 15 lbs while building muscle. Moreover, I've been so impressed with the adjustments they've made to their services during this pandemic. We're safe and support, and definitely NOT gaining that COVID-19!!!

Tara Wally 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality If you're looking for a place that not only has trainers that will ensure you have proper form to get the most out of your movements, but will also coach, support and give you nutritional advice, food available to purchase and they help you build habits and consistency.... then THIS IS THE PLACE!

Daniella Monteiro 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: The first workout/gym that I can actually stick to and see real results! The classes are small, energetic and constantly changing. The trainers provide personal attention to each member and make recommendations tailored to your needs/goals. They also offer awesome, healthy meals on the go - so good! I’d recommend this place to anyone looking for personalized training, accountability and a workout plan that’s actually sustainable!

steve laugen 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Whether you think you have it all down or you admittedly have no clue about healthy lifestyle, these three wonderful people are perfect. No need to beat up your body w boot camp style workouts. This is sustainable, positive, safe. Love it! UPDATING AFTER 3 MONTHS: still love it. Best health decision I've made in ages. Benefits of one on one training without the exorbitant cost. It's small group training but not everyone is doing the exact thing, and you do it in your own bubble with equipment dedicated to your pod. It's personalized. It's programmed for you. And they keep you accountable (but not in a drill instructor way). They spend time on you outside the studio, whether it's podcasts, zoom sessions, or one-one one progress updates.

Cherise Adams 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: I want to call Shift 110 a fitness experience, but it’s so much more than a few sessions “under the blue lights.” It’s a family of people striving for better in all aspects of life, growing together, sharing challenges, celebrating milestones, and lifting each other up. You’re never a stranger when you walk in at any stage of your fitness journey on any day of the week. The trainers are amazing and somehow make a group fitness membership feel like 1-on-1 training.

Jess moyer 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: This is the best “gym” I’ve ever been to! It’s amazing!!!! This is not your typical gym! This place has Amazing coaches, workouts, members, and atmosphere! I wouldn’t want to workout anywhere else! Been a member since July 2018! Love it! You won’t regret coming to Shift 110 promise! Ive recruited so many friends and love being able to workout with them and make new friends too!

Jim Taylor 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: Great menu options, great quality, and awesome service - highly recommend!!

Travis Strote 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: Incredible meal prep service and workout! The people are awesome and the classes are the perfect size so it feels like a personal trainer. The best 30 minute workout alive

Kaitlyn Murphy 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: This place is a game changer. I started going about 6 months ago and I absolutely love it. I am a Zumba instructor so I do a ton of cardio due to the classes that I teach, but never incorporated weight training. I had no clue what I was doing, so I just constantly put it off. And then I found Shift! All 3 trainers truly CARE about helping you reach your fitness goals. They know ALL of their members by name, and even follow up if you don't have any work outs booked for the following week. The sessions are only 30 minutes but don't let it fool you ... you will be so surprised at what you can accomplish in those 30 minutes. I have seen and felt myself get stronger over these past 6 months -- I have lifted weight that I never though I'd be able to. Shift 110 is the BEST!

Violet Oalmann 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: This is not your typical gym, they are also family! They have small classes, so it feels like personal training. They encourage you to be better in all aspects! Awesome place, I love them!

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