Information about Johann's Fitness Studio

Wrangler Dr 117
75019, Coppell
+1 469-487-6393

Opening hours

  • Monday: 5:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 5:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 5:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday: 5:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday: 5:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday: 5:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

We offer personal training for adult and student athletes, working professionals and families. Our workout studio is located in Coppell, Texas.


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Johann's Fitness Studio: Opinions

5/5 (7 Opinions)
Michael Zekas 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I worked with Johann for a few months before moving away from the area, and he was excellent. I appreciate how in tune he was to pacing a workout while still working to push me towards my fitness goals. He was also one of the most genuine people I met in Dallas—very personable and just open. The one challenging thing is that his schedule was pretty tight so I had to be flexible with workout times since he was pretty booked up with long-time clients, but that speaks to the quality of someone's work.

Joe B 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: I started using Johann as my personal trainer through a friends referral after my hip replacement surgery. My expectations were not very high as I've worked with trainers in the past with mediocre results at best. My experience with Johann has been nothing but exceptional. We first started with an interview where he questioned me about my body, any recent surgeries or ailments that might hinder the training results. I explained to him that I was recovering from knee surgery followed by hip replacement surgery. Then Johann gave me a little background on himself and how he felt he could help me recover in order to again live an active life. I decided to start working with him in hopes of regaining mobility and continue to play sports as I have for the greater part of my life. Johann's methods and techniques provide absolute results. We have worked together for several months, where I have lost approximately 20 pounds and more importantly have gained mobility and flexibility to a point where I am now playing tennis, golf and able to once again sit up from a chair with very little pain. The important part of Johann's training is that he listens to you and provides instant feedback, changing and monitoring your workout to support your physical abilities. With Johann its more important to exercise with proper form so that maximum results are achieved. There are often times when I experience significant pain in my knees, hips and back because of my physical activities. My instant reaction would be to think its more of an orthopedic issue. Johann's quick analysis often times proves me wrong. His knowledge of the human body and how it functions provides quick remedies to my aching body. In many instances I feel relief almost immediately. As I get on in age, I will continue to work with Johann. He takes a genuine interest in my workouts and mypersonal gains while working with him. He has a very loyal long-term base of clients, each singing his praises because of the results that are achieved. If you have a need to get in shape and are serious about achieving results, I would highly recommend Johann for your personal training needs.

Elise Calderon 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: The treadmills had built-in personal cooling units! How cool! I also enjoyed watching the Splat Point numbers grow. It gave me motivation and satisfaction.

Alex Humphries 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: I’ve been training with Johann off and on for nearly 10 years. He has helped my whole family lead a healthier lifestyle. He is exceedingly attentive to my goals and works with me on my terms to get stronger and more active. He tailors his workouts to the client and mixes things up every session so it never gets boring. I lead a pretty sedentary life and am not big into working out so I’m just looking to be more healthy but I’ve seen him successfully train clients with much higher goals than that. When COVID hit, he and I started working out over FaceTime. It was just as effective to work out from the safety of my own home as it was working out in his gym. I very much look forward to seeing him in person again soon but training with him online is more effective than any other kind of digital workout that I’ve used. Can’t recommend him highly enough.

Mcgee Bj 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: The best trainer!!!

Doreen Willette 5 years ago

Fantastic experience: This is the Kindest and most caring individual Johann is also very polite

Steve Anderson 10 years ago

Fantastic experience: My trainer, Johann, consistently delivers killer workouts. I respect his expertise not only as a former boxer, but as a committed endurance and strength trainer who's always training himself and looking for the best possible workout. (He regularly bikes 50 miles and then runs several miles and swims each workout.) The cool thing about him is that he takes a really well-rounded approach to strength training and conditioning. If you're interested in a P90X-style workout and bodyweight training (learning to use your own body as resistance instead of weights), he's totally into that. I'm 46 and have been out of shape for a long time, but Johann has been kicking my tail into gear and giving me awesome results. This week, I did 11 chin-ups unassisted. (It's a big deal for a 46-year-old.) You want cardio endurance? Johann loves it. Firm butt? Get ready to lunge and squat (in perfect form). The bottom line? His routines are never ever dull and there's no such thing as a light workout. Johann's truly fluent in fitness. Choose your poison ... from CrossFit to P90X ... and Johann is fluent. Biggest Loser fans, Johann has the workouts and equipment without the screaming and psyche outs. Wanna swing a sledgehammer? He's got it. Wanna do some ab work that's not crunchie-centric? Prepare to hang. If you're ready to work, you will get results from this guy, who has a long resume as a Fast Twitch trainer for professional athletes and state champions. (Ask him about the pro athletes and Texas state champions he's helped train.) Last but not least, Johann is one of the nicest trainers you'll ever meet. All he wants to do is help you succeed. If you're serious about training, Johann's your guy.

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