Information about XSport

W Dundee Rd 960
60004, Arlington Heights

Opening hours

XSport has not yet filled in its description.

XSport® gyms are located in Chicago, New York, and Washington D.C. They have state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. You can get personal or group training there.

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At this gym, you can expect to find top-of-the-line training equipment and classes taught by experienced instructors. However, the gym offers more than just these basics - they want you to have a positive experience and feel good about yourself. Their goal is to be the best choice for you when it comes to finding a gym.

The staff at XSport are doing a great job of keeping things clean and establishing social distancing between machines. There are plenty of cleaning supplies and paper towels available throughout the facility.

I'm so happy that the store has reopened! They added more sanitizing stations and so far they have been well supplied with paper towels, disinfectant, and hand gel.

The staff at XSport are doing a great job of trying to establish social distancing between machines and keeping things clean. There are plenty of cleaning supplies and paper towels dispensers throughout the facility.

I'm so happy the store has reopened! They added more sanitizing stations and there has been a good supply of paper towels, disinfectant, and hand gel so far.

We are looking for people who are qualified, motivated, and excited to join our company. We are one of the fastest growing and most progressive fitness companies in the industry.


XSport has not yet filled in its description.

XSport: Opinions

4/5 (2 Opinions)
Olga M 1 year ago

Positive experience: rooms where, for example, yoga or zumba, are never closed and everyone who wants to study there, the floors are dirty and dusty before classes, as well as mirrors. Therefore, I used to visit often, now less often.....

Odai Okleh 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: A well-maintained and pleasant gym.

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1 = Poor 5 = Excellent

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