Information about Panthro Fitness

Penn Ave 3117
15201, Pittsburgh
+1 412-391-0100

Opening hours

  • Monday: 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday: 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday: 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

Panthro Fitness' personal trainers provide fitness classes to clients in various locations throughout Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. These locations include Mount Lebanon, Bloomfield, Squirrel Hill, Fox Chapel, and Millvale.


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Panthro Fitness: Opinions

5/5 (51 Opinions)
Top Rated Gym
Melissa McFarland 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I have been attending bootcamp for a little over six months now and the entire experience has been positive. Panthro fitness provides a very unique workout. Before joining panthro my workout was very routine and I was not seeing results. Since joining Panthro I have seen positive results and look forward to each workout because each workout is very far from routine. The couches are a very positive influence because they push you to work harder but also encourage you so you can reach that next level. I highly recommend Panthro Fitness.

Kelsey May 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: My experience at Panthro Fitness has been- hands down- the greatest experience I've ever had at a fitness studio. The improvements that I've seen in my strength and overall fitness are undeniable and even more than that, I genuinely enjoy every second of the time I spend there. The coaches and the clients at Panthro are inspiring in ways I'd never think imaginable. Make no mistake- this is TRULY a judgment free zone. Even in my first days and weeks here, I never felt unwelcome or otherwise left out. These people will inspire you to take on challenges and encourage you every step of the way. Besides the unbelievably positive vibe they have going on here, they also have an amazing space and ultra-fun workouts. The expertise of the coaches at Panthro is second to none. Favorite hour of everyday. After my experience here, I would never work out anywhere else.

Cara Sharbaugh 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Panthro Fitness has made a huge difference in my workouts. I actually ENJOY the gym!!! I'm upset when I miss even one workout. The approach here is a group effort. All of the coaches aren't just Class A instructors - they are Class A people who truly care about you AND your health and fitness. I love the group mentality of workouts because not only am I held more accountable but it gives you layers of encouragement that don't exist if you're on solo gym time. The ability to push yourself to your own individual limits is so beneficial because whether you are a veteran or a newbie, you're still getting the workout that suits you best. I'm proud to be member of the Panthro Fitness Team and would encourage all to try it!

Erin Adams 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I've been going to Panthro Fitness for about 5 months and the results have been amazing. I look forward to every session, mainly because Rosie never ceases to put a smile on my face. Seriously- her attitude is contagious and she truly cares for the well being of her clients. Reggie has created such a great program that focuses on more than just a work out. Whether preparing food at home or going out, their nutrition guide is also a valuable resource. The workouts are never the same and they challenge you. I've surpassed many of my fitness goals with this program and I can not wait to see how much farther I can go. I highly recommend Panthro to any and all ages and levels. I plan to renew my membership and stay with this place for a long time!

Yolanda Preciado 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I have been with Panthro Fitness for almost 4 years now and have loved everything about the experience. Before joining Panthro I had no workout routine or had a healthy eating diet. I joined the program as a support system not expecting to care or last in the program. Once I joined Panthro I was introduced to a healthier lifestyle. I have been in both semi-private and co-ed boot camp classes and equally enjoy both. The coaches and staff are exceptional with working with the clients to meet their goals ,whether it is a weight loss goal or just need to maintain a healthier lifestyle. As a mother of 4 I felt I had no time to squeeze in a work out but with the flexibility the staff provides it has made it possible for me to come in a few times a week. Not only have I worked with great coaches I have also met a lot of classmates that make coming to class not only fun but also found a support system for myself. I highly recommend Panthro to anyone that is looking to make a change for a healthier lifestyle.

Alicia Kemp 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I started with Panthro in spring 2013 to get in shape for my upcoming wedding and with the help of the diet guide and coach Craig, I lost 15+ lbs and gained a ton of confidence! I moved and stopped coming but then started back up in January 2015 and it felt like I never left. Panthro isn't just a gym, it's more like a family--you work out with the same people week after week and the coaches get to know your strengths and weaknesses and push you to do better each time. I've never been a gym person but Panthro isn't your typical treadmill and elliptical gym. The classes are small (4-12 people), the coaches know your name from day one and if you have a previous injury or special condition, they'll work with you to modify exercises. I found out I was pregnant 2-3 months after starting back up with Panthro and I told my coaches before my family since I knew I wanted to continue working out with them. I've been attending classes 2-3 times a week throughout my pregnancy and it has been a HUGE help so far. Even during my first trimester when all I wanted to do was nap after work, I pushed myself to come to the gym and felt 100% better and more energized after each session. The coaches are knowledgeable about which exercises pregnant women should and should not do and now that I'm 7 1/2 months pregnant, I have to modify my exercises slightly due to my growing belly but I pretty much do what everyone else is doing. I credit my continued work at Panthro for my healthy pregnancy so far--no back pain, minimal weight gain, no preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. I love Panthro and plan on continuing until baby and then after to help me get back into shape. Thank you to coaches Rosie, Craig and Reggie!!!

Michael J. Siegel 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: My wife and I recently moved to Pittsburgh and quickly found a home with Reggie, Craig and Rosie at Panthro in The Strip. We are "semi-private" clients and have enjoyed all aspects of what Panthro has to offer from "boot-camp" style classes, small semi-private sessions (1-4 people) and even boxing. The classes are always interesting and challenging while still being fun. I've done "Cross Fit" and I've had trainers in the past but the focused guidance at Panthro is top notch. With a range of client types, the coaches all motivate without making one feel incapable. Many clients (myself included) are working back from or with injuries and they can tailor a plan to help you personally work through it. They are always positive, while pushing you to succeed and do your best. And as someone who struggles with diet, they've helped me turn around my eating habits and get me back on track through their nutrition program. I would highly recommend Panthro if you're looking to get in shape, get your diet back on track and or just want to stay in shape while having fun.

Sarah Alvarez Mendak 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I am so grateful to be a part of the Panthro Fitness family (and that is exactly how it feels to be a part of this team), and I am amazed daily at the transformation that it has made in my life. As someone who has never been very athletic (the complete opposite, actually), I wasn't sure that I'd be able to keep up. The greatest asset that Panthro has to offer though is its incredible coaching staff. Our coaches can evaluate you, and develop a training plan that will allow you to grow and develop so that you will ultimately exceed your goals. Perhaps today you can't do that pull up, but with their patience, dedication, and their continual commitment to helping you learn and develop, you will get there. Especially with me - they have a lot of patience! I've never had an easy workout at Panthro, and I can honestly say that I've never had the same workout. There is constant change and encouragement to continue to advance. Starting out, I had so little confidence in my ability to perform physically. I didn't think that I was strong - and worse, I didn't believe that I was capable of becoming strong and coordinated. I figured that the best case scenario was that I'd lose a little weight. I have to say that I never would have believed that I would one day love exercising! My hour at the gym is genuinely the best part of my day. I look forward to it, and I love our coaches and the people that I am privileged enough to work out with. The encouragement and excitement that we have in our sessions helps me so much in preparing for my day, and it improves my overall mood and happiness substantially. I know that I am more confident now in everything that I do, because I truly know that I can do it - whatever the challenge is. It might sound cliched, but Panthro has taught me to believe in my self and to know that I'm strong!

Danielle Kyper 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I started going to the bootcamps one month ago and am already seeing great results. They pack a lot into 45 minutes so that you're working a lot of different muscles and it's never the same workout. The class sizes are small so you get individual attention to make sure you're doing the exercises correctly. Would highly recommend it!

Sarah Anne Weiss 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I've been taking the AM boot camp classes for approx 9 months. The classes are fun & challenging. I feel great & am still improving. The atmosphere is very supportive & the coaches are motivating & positive. Would recommend to anyone interested in getting healthy!

Adrianne Cannon 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: What did I do before bootcamp at Panthro Fitness? Just like many other women, I was spending endless hours running and seeing little results. All of the coaches at Panthro have changed my life - they bring so much knowledge, creativity, motivation and excitement into working out. They make it fun! I have been attending bootcamp 3 days a week for 9 months and haven't done the same workout twice. Physically - the results that you get from Panthro's bootcamp are second to none! They get to know you and your lifestyle so that they can create a nutrition plan that works for you. As you progress through the program, your nutrition program is adjusted along with your fitness level. Small habits are changed little by little and before you know it - you have a new lifestyle! Panthro's program is not a diet or a fitness fad - they truly give you the tools you need to live the life you have always wanted to live!

Holly Grabowski 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I had always been active growing up but then life got in the way - you know how it is working full time, taking care of a disabled child, aging parents, a house, etc, as much as I tried exercise seemed to move further down the priority list. I made it a point to walk my dog everyday but I realized that wasn't enough. I decided to check out Panthro Fitness on the recommendation of a friend. I was a little intimidated at first not knowing what to expect. I had torn my calf muscle a few months prior (not by exercising) and was leery about starting an exercise program. I met with Reggie who assured me that his staff would be able to work with me and adapt exercises as needed. I decided to give it a shot and signed up for a 30 day trial. Coach Craig and Coach Rosie, worked with me during my trial period in semi-private lessons. My goal was to participate in the boot camp classes. The program was intense and exhilarating at the same time. My initial thoughts were "you want me to do what? Are you kidding me? I can't do that!" Both Coaches were extremely supportive and patient. As my confidence grew I turned "can't" into "I'll give it a try" to "I got this!" Then something unexpected happened - my body began to crave this type of exercise - now I know a body can crave chocolate but exercise? Really? It was the weirdest sensation and I loved it. After my 30 day trial it was a no brainer for me - I was hooked. I had an outlet that provided me with more energy and helped me to deal with my every day stressors in a positive way. I decided to make the commitment to myself and signed up. Panthro Fitness is now a part of my life just like everything else and I head there 3 days a week. I participate in boot camp twice a week and boxing once a week. Reggie and his staff are dedicated to health and wellness and it shows. They offer advice on nutrition and meal planning, classes are always different - no two are the same which keeps me motivated and wondering what do they have planned for me today? Panthro Fitness is so much more than a gym - it truly is a place that focuses on spirit, mind and body. If you are looking for a positive outlet from every day stressors, this is the place, these are the people who will help you on your journey.

Ckreiser87 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: After being on the Panthro Fitness boot camp program for almost 90 days I finally feel I have found the gym that best suits my lifestyle. I am now seeing results in my body that I have not been able to gain from other membership gyms or from my at home work out programs that promise a better body in 90 days. I discovered Panthro via Google web search because I was feeling lost and in need of a gym that was more personable and who would have fitness coaches who could teach me how to achieve greatness. The class sizes at Panthro are no more than 10-12 students which allows coaches to assist each student and make sure they are exercising correctly, safely, and aggressively to achieve maximum results. Within my first 30 days my coach (Craig Householder) encouraged me to begin the Panthro Nutrition Plan which has improved my energy levels and work out performance tremendously. I defiantly recommend Panthro Fitness for anyone who is looking for a new positive change in their health and well-being.

Matthew Kroh 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I have nothing but great things to say about Panthro. The staff is incredibly friendly and supportive. The resources and information they offer are well researched. The workouts are tough, varied and give results. Quickly. There are lots of reasons for people to join a gym like Panthro. Improving one's appearance is probably highest on the list. Improving one's health is likely just as high. While both of these are important goals, there's something else worth mentioning that I got out of Panthro in just a few months, and that's strength and endurance. For example, I recently insulated my roof. This required 25 bags of insulation, at 2 ft x 3 ft and about 25 lbs each, to be taken from my car to the porch, from the porch up a flight of stairs, from there up an 8 foot ladder and through a 25 by 25 inch opening and into a sweltering attic. A year ago, this would have been day one of my project. Today, it was just the warm up. My point is, the aesthetic and health outcomes are great, but if that's not enough, don't forget about the everyday benefits of being stronger and fitter.

Sean Ammirati 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Really enjoy attending morning "boot camp" class before work M, W, F. Would encourage anyone to try it. For me it's much easier then going to a gym and trying to come up with a workout on my own. The class serves as a good motivator and ensures that an expert is designing variety into the program.

Dallas Sauers 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: A little about myself and why I chose Panthro as my fitness family: I'm a 23 year old, native Pittsburgher and I'm not overweight by any means. I run a great business in the South Hills and I'm lucky to have it. However, I have found myself swamped and I paid no mind to taking care of myself/diet. I reached out to my clients and asked if they could point me in the direction of a great gym where I could find a trainer to motivate, encourage and help me reach my goals of being active and healthy. Plenty of my clients sent me here.. and for a good reason. That's just what I found. I met Reggie and immediately felt like I was in the right place. He helped me pick a plan that worked for me and that wasn't overwhelming. For me, the worst part of working out is finding the time and biting off more than I can chew. Usually when I do that I find myself burnt out and I give up. I do personal training sessions with Rosie, my favorite trainer ever, twice a week. For me, twice a week might be all I can do. But Rosie pushes me enough in those two days that can suffice if I can't make it to my local gym. Speaking of local, Panthro is about an hour commute for me but it's well worth the drive. #commitment I've been at Panthro for almost two months now (the longest relationship I've ever had) and even though I want to die sometimes I won't ever regret getting up and going. I never imagined I would be as strong as I am in this amount of time. It's been the best decision I've made this year. Now if I could only stop eating pizza.. to be determined. Thanks Panthro Family. I love you <3

Brittany Sugarman 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: After the first class I was HOOKED. Panthro Fitness has changed my life in so many ways. I have only taken the 6:30am bootcamp class, but have never once felt like I was not getting individual attention. Rosie has been my trainer and she is attentive to each person's level and makes sure to give everyone equal time. I have encountered nothing but the same from the other coaches and Reggie-the owner. They have also taken the time to work with me on meal planning which has been a huge help. if this sounds like something you are interested in-DO IT. You will not regret you decision to go to Panthro.

Julia Calnan 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I was very hesitant at first to start working out at Panthro because I was terribly out of shape due to a previous injury and having several surgeries. The coaches made me feel right at home and really know how to push you and be very supportive at the same time. Not to mention the other classmates are all so welcoming and encouraging it really makes the classes fun and fly by. I lost 14 pounds in 6 weeks and several inches off my waist, for a total of 30 pounds since joining by simply attending classes and following the nutrition plan that they provide. I never felt hungry while following the plan, which is whole foods and protein supplements. In my option the boxing classes are the very best workout you can get in the city of Pittsburgh! I would recommend Panthro to anyone that is intersted in getting in shape or staying in shape and wants to have fun while doing it.

Annie Storm 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I have been attending boot camp classes three times a week, for a little over three months. I have no intention of stopping! The trainers are so supportive, knowledgeable, and kind. They push you to reach your fullest potential and I really feel that they care about my wellbeing. I have also made incredible progress and I'm able to do things physically that I never thought were possible. In addition to helping me reach by fitness goals, Panthro has helped me make healthier choices about the foods I eat by offering courtesy nutritional counseling and support. Reggie, the owner, has developed an easy to follow meal plan that can be adapted for each person's lifestyle. I have also attended nutritional seminars held at Panthro that have connected me to other local business in my community which support my health and nutritional goals. Deciding to sign up for Panthro was the best decision I have made for myself. I recommend it to everyone who would like to become more healthy.

Mita Squires 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Great gym! Rosie is the best- very knowledgeable, friendly and personable..... Highly recommend her and her coworkers to all :)

Nick Certo 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: A super friendly and competent staff sets thus workout center apart.

MJ Crane 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: You can’t help but feel good about this place and about yourself when you are at Panthro. I’ve been going to Panthro for several years now and feel like they’ve hit the coaching trifecta in Rosie, Chris, and Casey. They are all incredibly knowledgeable about fitness – and I don’t just mean giving you exercises to do. They know about body mechanics, how to work specific areas effectively (good form is a cornerstone here, which is key to avoiding injury as well as seeing results), and are motivating as hell without being annoying. The workouts are well thought-out, well-structured, and still able to be modified as needed for any limitations you might have. (Oh, and they’re fun…I mean, even though you’re working your butt off!) It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your fitness level is, there’s something here for you. It’s nice to work out at a place where you feel seen, and where the coaches and members genuinely want you to succeed. If you’re not getting that from your current workout spot, give Panthro a try!

Jared Hoffman 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: I’ve been apart of Panthro for a little over three months and it has been amazing! Coach Casey who I work with most of the time is the very best. She inspires and drives me to do my best during each workout. She really took the time to get to know me, and helped me understand the exercises. When I came to Panthro I had no idea how to lift weight or build muscle, they have really helped me learn. On top of that the other clients here are wonderful, and so friendly it feels like a community not just a gym. Rosie another coach at Panthro is also excellent, she helped me get started and put goals in place for me to succeed. In summary, if you are looking for a place that will invest in you and take time to help you learn Panthro is it. It is the best gym I’ve ever been apart of and I plan to stay for years to come!

sd monaghan 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: Been a member of Panthro for a few years now. The trainers are some of the nicest, motivational, and caring humans on the planet. The other members are like family. Such a great experience... it's not about how much you can push, pull, or move. It's about providing that energy for the next person to be the best version of themselves. Zero pretension, total results.

Mihaela Ciulianu 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: Panthro is the perfect place if you are looking for a community that pushes you to achieve your goals and cheers you on along your journey. They have different classes to pick from, depending on your interests. I really like the metabolic classes; they are never exactly the same, but always challenging and customizable depending on your fitness level. Due to the smaller size of classes, coaches will get to know you individually and call on your BS when you are lazy and pick a lower weight than you should or don't choose the harder modification for your level. They also offer challenges (e.g. weight loss), classes (e.g. on nutrition, posture, foam rolling) and events (like a scavenger hunt + food & drinks) for the entire gym. If you are looking for more than just a gym, this is your community!

Kannop Mitsantisuk 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: Panthro Fitness is the BEST!!! It’s not only the best gym in Pittsburgh but probably everywhere! at least in my opinion. You will not be able to find a gym like this anywhere else. Panthro is strength training focused (you will get to do barbell squats, deadlift, bench press, etc.) while incorporating metabolic, athletic, and mobility trainings into the programs. Every day is a different workout and you will never get to do the same workout again so you will never get bored. Every class is fun yet challenging! Coaches are really nice, knowledgeable, and pay attention to everyone in the class and can tailor and adjust the workout based on your need or your injuries. And the best thing is that Panthro is the best community and is a family!! We support each other. We always have great fun events and challenges to help you achieve your goals. We push each other to work hard and cheer each other during the class (especially those last few reps lol). Everyone here is so friendly and welcoming. If you are new to lifting (which I was when I joined Panthro in June 2020), this place is for you - don’t be scared. If you’re an experienced lifter, this place is also for you. You will learn more how to improve your techniques and your mobility to be able to lift better and heavier! Joining Panthro is the best decision I’ve ever made! It’s definitely worth it!

Jahanvi Kolte 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality The instructors are amazing and curate different challenging workouts every week. Other gym peers are also very friendly and encourage you to push your limits. Very positive motivating vibe! Wish I had joined it earlier!!! :)

Adina Davis 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: I cannot speak highly enough about Reggie, Rosie, Olivia and the rest of the Panthro crew. I’ve been a cardio queen my entire life with little experience in strength training. The personal attention you get at Panthro is unbelievable. They really care about you, want you to succeed and do it with proper form. I love the community and will be a member for years to come!

Regina Cibrone 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: I have been going to Panthro since February and don’t know what I would do without this place. I’m a semi-private client which is great for me since it’s a very small personal basically one-on-one experience. I’m someone who needs to be told what to do - I love not having to think about it! The workouts are always different and challenging. The trainers are the best part of Panthro!! I’m in the best shape of my life.

Natalee Smith 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: Started going with a Groupon deal...stayed going way after then :). I've been working out at Panthro for about the past year and a half and while I'll never be one of those people who LOVE the gym, Panthro has come to closest to giving me that feeling. I really dig going to my semi private classes weekly :) . The workouts never feel repetitive and the trainers are absolutely stellar: equally as knowledgeable as they are encouraging. I appreciate the thought that's put into making sure that we, the patrons, get the best out of our workouts, feel valued, respected and most importantly, like family.

Brad Morgan 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: I've been a member since about February of this year. It's the best decision I've ever made. All of the trainers are great. They really take the time to come up with detailed workout plans taking into consideration the individual goals and limitations of their members. Trust me when I say you will never get bored. The workouts are challenging and constantly evolving. Since coming here I've gotten into the best shape of my life.

Shawn Jain 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: Panthro is great. I’ve been taking their semi private classes for almost a year. I’d highly recommend them because their coaches are great. I’ve worked mostly with Rosie and Chris and they have done a great job teaching me technique, critiquing my form, and motivating me. They’re friendly and understand clients well. Chris in particular has previous PT experience, so he’s very well versed in body mechanics and muscle functions, which carries over into improving technique as well. Reggie the owner is very personable as well. They’re great about allowing makeups and changing class times as well. They give solid general health and diet advice as well. A few of the other younger trainers who I’ve occasionally worked with I wasn’t impressed with. Sometimes the classes are a bit full as well, so I typically get times that are less crowded. Overall this is the best gym experience I’ve ever had - and would strongly recommend it.

Angelina Ross 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: My husband and I have been going to Panthro since the end of September and we really love it. We started with semi-private classes which was a great introduction for us to see what Panthro was all about. The boot camp classes are lots of fun (and hard work) and each week and day is different so you don't get bored of the same routine that you might get in other fitness studios. I love that the classes are small and you get lots of feedback from the trainers. We've worked mostly with Olivia and she is so personable and really cares about your progress. Although we haven't trained with Rosie, we love it when she's around because she just oozes with great energy and keeps us pumped! We look forward to continuing our fitness journey with Panthro. You guys are bomb <3

Amy McNulty 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: More than just a gym! When you are going through the hardest times they truly care about you in and out of the gym. I’ve been a client for almost 4 years and Panthro is still my favorite place to be. All of the trainers are great and make each class different and fun. I have been training with Rosie the longest and I can’t say enough how amazing she is! She is so inspiring, motivating and will challenge you to do more. She loves what she does and it shows with the energy she puts into every class. Another reason I love it here is the community. It’s really encouraging to see 8 people cheering for 1 person hitting their personal record. I can’t say enough great things about Panthro and I highly recommend it.

Megan Lovett 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: Panthro has changed my entire outlook on "going to the gym." We give each other high fives and encouragement. We workout in small groups with trainers who watch our form, give us personal instruction, and tailor workouts to our needs. The trainers are full of positive energy and the community keeps me motivated to be a regular. After five months, I can do more with my body than ever before, even more than in my athletic youth, and it's amazing!

Tori Pipak 5 years ago

Fantastic experience: Very welcoming and helpful. As someone who hasn’t lifted weights in about 7 years they have made me feel comfortable even on my first day. They aren’t pushy and don’t try to make you lift a lot. They understand this is a slow process for some people. The work outs get your heart rate up and aren’t boring.

Christopher Hearn 5 years ago

Fantastic experience: Incredibly knowledgeable and committed trainers--each fostering a fun and engaging environment, motivating people on all levels toward their best individual goals. Their commitment to positivity, education, and safety makes this gym an easy decision. Workouts are challenging and unique, very rarely the same thing twice. I joined looking for a solution that had the discipline built in, self-directed workout days had never stuck. With the standard gym model, I either wouldn't go enough, wouldn't work hard enough when I did, or focused on too narrow a workout. Panthro is a great solution! I show up, receive instruction and work to the buzzer. Everything is intelligently addressed by each workout! I can't recommend it enough!!

therealarie 5 years ago

Fantastic experience: If you're looking for a fun, challenging way to get in shape, Panthro Fitness is the top place in Pittsburgh. The workouts are always different, and the coaches are committed to your success.

Fred Smallhoover 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: The first thing I noticed about Panthro was how friendly and family-like the atmosphere was. I remember thinking that these people must have been working out together for years, but I quickly realized that this was simply due to the great staff and general upbeat and welcoming attitude of the other clients. After being at Panthro for well over a year, I have seen many different types of people change their lives in a positive way (including myself). No matter your level of strength, age, weight, or limitations the trainers will give you the attention you need to maximize what you get out of each and every session. The daily workouts are widely varied and challenging, which allows you to stay involved and never fall into any boring routines. The trainers are also highly focused on nutrition, which is where you can really start seeing amazing results. I truly do not have a single bad thing to say about Panthro. I feel amazing after every session – I challenged my body a great deal, but I also laughed and enjoyed myself at the same time. It really is an amazing combination this gym provides that no one else can. They have helped me in more ways than they know, and I owe them a lot of thanks. I feel happier and healthier than I’ve ever been, and I have gained some amazing friends.

Kelly Norton 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: I've only been going here a couple of weeks but I can tell that I'll be a long termer. I've had 6 semi-private sessions and they've all been great. The exercises are unique and they change them up to keep you from getting bored. The trainers are fantastic. I have a problem with my right knee and they've done a great job of making sure I don't hurt my knee while at the same time ensuring that I still get a good workout. It's not just the trainers though, the other members I've been working out with have also been great. The place just has a good enthusiastic feel without being over the top with fake enthusiasm. Also there's just enough fun competition to help keep you motivated. In all of the sessions I've been in, when they were over, it didn't feel like I'd been there an hour at all. They went by fast. So, no drudgery. This place was a great find for me.

Bry West-Whitman 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: Panthro is great! The small groupings feel like you have your own trainer. They stress doing things the right way and care for their clients safety and wellness. All the trainers I’ve worked out with are great. The trainer I work with the most, Rosie, is really awesome. You’re not just a number in the Panthro gym. I highly recommend them!

Teddi Horvitz 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: Panthro Fitness is not just a's a family: a family that doesn't judge you, that supports you and that pushes you. As many others have said in their reviews, I have been to a ton of different gyms, have taken many, many classes and tried out infinite trainers and none of them are as interested in your successes as the coaches at Panthro Fitness! I'm afraid to continue writing amazing things about this gym because I want to make sure there's always space for me in the 6:30am class :-). But it really is an amazing place!

Brittany Lowe 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: Reggie and all of the coaches at Panthro are great. They have awesome workouts that are always changing to keep things fun and different. The coaches take time to help you individually and they will modify any exercise that may interfere with an injury. Rosie has so much great energy and is super motivating. I never looked forward to working out like I do now!

Marie Zambotti 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: I first walked into Panthro Fitness in 2014 with a Groupon. I was out of shape, super unhealthy and completely terrified to step in a gym. I had always considered myself unathletic. Panthro coaches held up a mirror, forced me to look into it, and see my real strength. I've gained so much confidence and lost the fear of failure. This is seriously a GIFT that has enabled me to accomplish so many things both in the gym and outside of Panthro that I would have never imagined even attempting a few years ago. Whether you're a seasoned athlete looking for a challenge or a total newb (like me!) wanting supportive coaching, Panthro is where it's at. I can't speak highly enough of the owner and coaches. So much effort is put into planning unique bootcamps and cultivating genuine relationships with the clients. Great gym, AMAZING people!!

Shelly Hendrick 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: I started going to Panthro Fitness in 2012 and it was the best decision I could have ever made. Before panthro I would go to the gym and take some classes but it was the same routine day after day. I was making no progress. One of my friends had recently started a boot camp type class in her area and I thought why not give it a chance. The work outs are challenging, yet fun at the same time. I am a competitive person and the boot camp atmosphere is perfect for that. But don't worry if you are not competitive it works for you too, the coaches cater the workout to all types of clients! It pushes me to lift that extra weight or push myself to do more reps. All of the coaches are very knowledgeable and are always there to help in any way possible. I have an ongoing knee injury and the staff is always willing to work with me. I look forward to every workout... and i am lost if I miss a session. Plus the clients at the gym become like family. I can truly say that I have made some of my best friends at panthro. Thanks to Reggie and company for providing such a great environment!

Hillary Demmon 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: Panthro Fitness was a total game changer for me. I've been training here for just over a year, and here's what's happened: I'm so much stronger and more energized, my daily stress levels have evened out tremendously, and I'm eating better. I tried out a lot of gyms when I moved to Pittsburgh, and Panthro was my match because 1) the people - both the coaches and the clients! - are fantastic, motivating presences, and 2) the exercise keeps my attention. The coaches make sure I'm never bored, and they're always available to help me reach my goals. I struggled when I started, but everyone in this gym was encouraging and helped me stick it out. They assured me I'd improve, and I did - more than I would have ever imagined. Whether you're trying to find your way into a healthy lifestyle, or you're maintaining one, there's a spot for you here. Come try it out!

Lawrence Fabbroni 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: It's really impossible to describe all the ways in which Panthro makes my life better, but I'll try: A little over a year ago I was feeling unhealthy, lethargic, and depressed. I was getting sick at least once a month, it was a challenge to drag myself out of bed, and I was feeling as though maybe I was just doomed to be an overweight, out of shape person who awaited some sort of unhealthy meal or drinks every night to make me feel better about it for a few minutes. It was a real low point... I'm sharing this because I know there are plenty of other people in the same place I was and struggling. Finding a gym that provides all the things Panthro does has truly changed my life. I've had many swings with my weight and with various exercise routines and fads over the years, and I've settled on three main things that I need in a gym for it to be sustainable as part of my lifestyle rather than a "means to an end": 1) group training led by qualified professionals who take an interest in their clients (they also put up with my clowning around....) 2) a community of fellow members who are supportive while challenging each other, and enjoy having fun, and 3) a holistic approach to health and fitness that promotes exercises, routines and diet approach that are realistic for a working professional to integrate into their daily life. You see, I had found a place like this last August in my old hometown, before I moved to Pittsburgh in January, and I was really worried about making the change. Crisis averted. Panthro is all those things and much more. Today I am a totally different, happier person, and my hour at Panthro is the most important part of each day. I love the workouts, I love the people, and I love being at Panthro, even after stressful or exhausting days. I've lost just over 60 lbs in the last year, and I'm setting performance goals now, not just weight or measurement. Perhaps the best thing I can say is that 100% of the time I feel better when I walk out of Panthro than when I walked in....and really how many places or groups of people can you say that about? If you're nervous that you're too out of shape or worried you'll be judged by others - don't be. They'll work with you, challenge you in new ways constantly, and the entire Panthro family will be rooting for you to succeed.

Barbara J Girone 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: I love Panthro Fitness! I can't say enough about how great they are and how they have changed my life. I have always worked out, but never saw the results I wanted. I started Panthro Fitness three years ago, and have become the strongest and the fittest I've ever been. I'm 47 years old, yet I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life. Reggie, Rosie, Jess, and all of the other coaches genuinely care about their clients. The workouts are amazing and always challenging. My form has never been better due to the coaches, and because of this I'm lifting heavier weights that I never thought I could. They have helped me not only with fitness, but also with my eating actually having me increase my calories, and I actually lost weight! I see such a big difference in my body with gains in muscle! And the best thing, I have so much more energy and I've become this awesome mountain bike rider, due to becoming stronger. Panthro has become a second family to me! I also love the other clients in the bootcamps, because they are just as encouraging and supportive as the coaches.. And this is because of the overall attitude of Panthro. They care about their clients and truly want everyone to live a healthier happier lifestyle!

Margaret Sartori 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: Panthro is the best gym I have ever attended in my life. I moved to Pittsburgh a year ago from Louisiana. My boyfriend and I did not know anything about the city or anyone. For 6 months we tried to figure things out, finally we joined Panthro. This place seriously changed our lives in more ways than one! Not only have changes been made physically, but also emotionally! I found my job because of Panthro. I now have friends and a community to engage with. The owner and trainers are the best I have ever come across, and I earned my BS in Exercise Science so I am very picky haha. If you don't try Panthro, you're missing out on one heck of a workout, and a gym community that will inspire you every single day!

J C 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: When I first moved to Pittsburgh from the UK, I spent a good amount of time googling for boot camps as I knew I needed to take account for my fitness, after some initial procrastination I fired off an email to Panthro. Coach Reggie responded double time, got me in and enrolled all in the same week and the rest is history. Panthro is more than just a gym, its a community, everyone is out for each other to support and help each other progress. All the coaches are absolutely on point and push you to a comfortable limit and help you to achieve the goals you want. Despite being a group workout, you very much feel like you have 1:1 coaching. I would not have imagined travelling for work and getting excited when a hotel gym has a bar for dead lifts! I can't recommend Panthro enough to anyone who wants to get out, meet people, kick start a new lifestyle and have some real fun along the way. Plus if working out really isn't your thing, just rock up on a Saturday for Reggie's class for an education in classic hip hop...

Susan Predis 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: My Panthro family has changed my life. I have been coming here for over a year usually 3 days a week. I am a diabetic and have had my medications reduced twice. The support of the coaches and my new friends has literally changed my life for the better. I also am 57 years old, have a double knee replacement and feel better than I have my entire life. If I can make these changes anyone can. Also down three clothing sizes. Go me with my Panthro support.

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